Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 27, 2007

This Week with Quinn

I have to admit that as a former English major and teacher, I feel badly about not writing more on this blog. The problem is, I think entry after entry would be pretty much the same thing: I love my son beyond words, and being a mommy is the most fun job I've ever had (by far)! I hope that the pictures I post provide expressions of what life is like with our little guy and how much we treasure this awesome blessing from God.

p.s. A special hello to my dad, who is in Hong Kong! We love you and miss you!

The other day Quinn introduced his best buddy Will to his adorable cousin Fiona. Here Fiona plays coy, Will enjoys some of her toys, and well, I'm not sure what Quinn is doing! Nan and I joked that he needed some gold chains to bling out his low-cut outfit. The buttons would not stay buttoned!

Just the morning of this picture, Quinn discovered that he could reach the keys of the piano. When cousin Carys came over later that day and started playing, Quinn had to join in.
This chair and table set in the kitchen is a favorite place for Q to practice walking from chair to table to chair. He's very proud of his new skills!
He is also so proud of how he can climb up stairs! This adorable outfit was a gift from "Grandma" Marcia. We love it!

Quinn played with Colin and Issac Kuhn and Rees Knapp yesterday. Everyone was so squirmy, it was hard to capture a picture of all 4. I can't believe how much like a little boy Quinn looks now with the other boys!

Yesterday was the first day that Quinn went all three meals without any baby food at all. He's done great with table food; it's just been a matter of me having enough of it prepared at the time he's ready to eat! Yesterday he ate bananas rolled in crushed Rice Krispies (to make them easier to pick up) and blueberry applesauce for breakfast, spinach lasagna and veggies for lunch, and chicken pot pie and a sweet potato for dinner! You cannot believe the amount of food my little piggy can pack away! So far, there really isn't anything he's disliked.
In this picture, he's showing everyone that he's eating lasagna and making a big mess.
In this picture, he's signing for some more lasagna. This is the only sign he seems to have really caught on to yet. That definitely fits his little piggy personality! : )

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