Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Be careful what you wish for . . .

I think I need to apologize to everyone reading this in the Midwest because I feel somewhat responsible for this weather. I have been wishing for snow for quite awhile now, even lamenting that if it's going to be January, it might as well feel like January and have some interesting weather. Well, I finally got my snow but oops, I guess I didn't specify in my wishes to please let the temps be above zero so we can play in it! Or at least be able to run errands without frostbite. Or not wake up to frozen pipes (yes, that was us today, but after 5 min with a hair dryer, Andy fixed it all). Or not feel like maybe I'm going to go out of my mind if I don't do something fun SOON! I know all stay-at-home moms feel this way this time of year, so I'll just think spring and make it through. It should be warm enough to play outside tomorrow, and that will be a big improvement over the last few days of limited activity choices. :)

When we finally got our snow the other day (and readers in the North will realize we only got about 4 inches), I quickly bundled Quinn up in his snowsuit, and we went outside in the waning hours of sunlight to enjoy it before the Arctic blast came. I hadn't seen him in his snowsuit before, and I wasn't really prepared for how hilarious it was to see my little blue marshmallow waddling around the yard! He was soooo cold but sooooo happy to be in the snow. I wish you all could have heard him as he walked through the yard, kicking up snow. With every step, he recited one of his favorite books, Dig Dig Digging, which talks about a different truck on each page. I guess he was imagining he was a digger truck, so he was muttering,
"Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging, scooping up the earth, lifting and tipping. They make HUGE holes with their dig, dig, digging. They can work all day." (Yes, he knows every word of that by heart!). It was so so cute to see him imagining like that.
I liked the lighting in this one.
Here he is making his first snow angel. When I showed him this picture, he said, "Oh, just like Peter!" Peter is in another favorite book of ours, Snowy Day, and he makes snow angels.
I really, really dislike being cold and haven't played in the snow in years. It's funny how having a toddler makes all those dislikes disappear.

He was reciting his book as he trucked along, making tracks in this picture.
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the deKorne family said...

at least you can play outside! i'm REALLY stuck!~(they don't advocate 3 months old who recently survived a near death experience to make snowmen. weird) cute, cute pics! wish we could have sent you some of our snow! it's is sure chilly!!!!! good luck..just a few more months!

Katie said...

Cute, cute pictures! He does look like a blue marshmallow. I love that he was reciting his favorite book. The ones of him and Daddy are so sweet. Hang in there, girl, I know the "stuck in the house going out of my mind" feeling. I've had three snow days in a row for extreme temps, and let's just say it's a lot different than back when I could sleep in and watch TV all day!!!!!! Let's all think spring. =o)

Anonymous said...

something about a kid in a snowsuit is just adorable!! great pictures!

The Moser Fam... said...

The stuff he does reminds me of Ben! Always singing songs or reciting lines from adorable! I love the picture of the two of you together too...he just has cheeks your want to squeeze! :)

Lindsey said...

Way to go out and play in the snow! I am catching up on your posts, it's been a while since I read your updates! I'm reminiscing about J-term and your hot chocolate with peppermints! :)