Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A tooth or not a tooth?

After a fun-filled last week, life settled back down to normal this week. I really think Quinn knew he was back at home because he's sleeping better and seems more comfortable. There were a couple new developments this week. He is no longer swaddled at all--we quit cold turkey 3 nights ago--and I'm really thankful because I didn't know if he wanted to be or not anymore, so it was a clear answer! He sleeps 7 or 8 hour stretches now before one night feeding, which is wonderful, though as I type this, I wonder if I'm jinxing ourselves! ( ;

The big question of the week is, is Quinn teething? For over a month now, people have asked me that based on the large amount of drool that can pour from his mouth. For the first time this week, though, I think he might be. Among other signs, he is chomping on everything, mostly his fingers or ours, and the drooling has increased. I know it can take weeks for the first tooth to pop through, so I'm not holding my breath.

My name is Quinn, and I like to bite fingers and. . .

. . .DROOL! (Notice how he has more hair again! He has a nice consistent fuzz again, though you can only really see it in good lighting. ( ; )

For the first time ever, the cousins showed interest in actually looking at each other. In this picture, Quinn is peering over his Jumperoo to see Fiona. If you knew how much Quinn LOVES his Jumperoo, you know how much he must have wanted to see his cousin to stop jumping in order to gaze at her. Fiona looked at Quinn some too, but I think he was a bit upstaged by the super fun-to-look-at toys in front of him. : )

These two pictures I had to share of my beautiful nieces Carys and Fiona. Carys is a wonderful big sister (and big cousin!), and I love the interaction between them in these pictures.

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