Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 21, 2009

More Birthday Pics

Just like last year, Andy was able to take the day off to spend with Quinn and me for Quinn's birthday. We are trying to make sure his birthday feels special, not just another day lumped into Christmas festivities. Also like last year, we went to the Children's Museum. I was happy because since it was the last day of school, there were no field trips there (at least that we saw)! When we went a few weeks ago, the place was exploding with field trips, and while I am a former teacher and do appreciate the exuberance of children having learning experiences outside of school, it is a bit stressful when I'm also worried they are going to stampede over my child! :) So, this day was great. The employees saw Quinn's birthday button and directed us to a place to get birthday crown for him, which he proudly wore everywhere. We had a lot of fun!
All last winter, when we came to the museum almost weekly, the dinosaur exhibit was a bit too dark and scary for Quinn. Now, he loves it. Isn't this a cool picture with Andy? The sky changes color, so I waited for the sunset sky to add extra drama to the pic. :)
He found a dinosaur costume area and immediately put it on, then wandered all over the exhibit. It was so cute to see my little dino with all the big ones!

After sliding down the Yule Slide, which is the big staircase they convert to a slide this time of year, I had Quinn pose in front of the Christmas display. I received some comments about how well Quinn smiles and poses for pictures. He really is my little model and is more than willing to do whatever I ask of him. I think there are 2 reasons for that--1. he's had a camera in his face for all of his short life and 2. I almost always give him a "special treat" for modeling for me. So, that's my secret! Also, I have to say that while I did comment on my last post about how Quinn never has meltdowns, that certainly does not mean we don't struggle with many other age-appropriate issues, such as listening and obeying, sharing, and using our hands kindly! I just wanted to set that record straight. ;)
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