This weekend, we had Christmas with Andy's side of the family. It was a wonderful time and right out of a Christmas card--beautiful snow, beautiful house, beautiful Christmas decorations, and beautiful, loving family members everywhere! Quinn can't get enough of his cousins Kamryn, Austin, and Adalyn, and he wore himself out playing with them and exploring his Papa Bruce's house. I loved taking pictures by one (he has seven!) of his amazingly gorgeous Christmas trees. This one was my favorite because it's just that classic little-kid-in-footie-jammies pose.

Here Austin helps Quinn with his new puzzle. If anyone needs a last-minute Christmas idea for a 2 year old, this one is a hit! It's a Melissa and Doug magnetic fishing puzzle, and Quinn loves it! Thanks again, Klawitters!
In this pic, Quinn is admiring his HUGE stocking. No, it wasn't actually used for his presents, but all the wonderful gifts Quinn was given probably could have filled it!
Quinn loved trying on the very big and very heavy ND football helmet his Papa Bruce has, which is signed by Brady Quinn, though that is NOT where Quinn got his name from!!
Today, Quinn and I had a blast baking Christmas cookies for the first time. They were, of course, just from a package because there is NO way I could manage Quinn around lots of ingredients. He was covered in flour as it was. Thank heavens he and I are both wearing aprons made by his Grandma Mary! He did really well, "helping" me and mostly following directions. He was allowed to be up on the countertop for part of it, a forbidden but extremely alluring place for him, so I think that was most of the fun for him! I just loved doing an activity like that with him because it makes me think of all the fun we'll have in the future, doing more baking and craft-making.

If I don't post again until after the holidays, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!! I hope your celebrations are full of the joy that Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was born to save us all!