Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 1, 2008

Caution: Lots of pictures ahead

I have truly been blog-slacking lately. Not only have I not posted, but I haven't read anyone else's for quite awhile now. My excuses range from enjoying the beautiful weather to chasing my very active child around to competing with my Ebaying husband for computer time. Really, though, another reason is I haven't been taking as many pictures lately because we're just on the move all the time. I've tried to remedy that in the last couple weeks, though, so I'll just post them all in one long entry, and hopefully it won't be too terribly long until I post again. I'm going to get caught up all everyone's blogs in the meantime as well! ( :

With these pictures, I really wanted to be able to share Quinn's personality. It's hard to really capture it without motion or sound because those are huge components of who he is. (I now wake up every morning to Q yelling from his crib, "MAMA!!! Where ARE you?!" and the fun begins from then on! ( : ) Still, these pictures do show you a bit of our day-to-day life.

The cheesy face lives on! The next two are ones my dad caught, and I love them!

The next picture is of the latest fashion trend sweeping the nation. I hear it's the coolest thing among kids his age. I was informed, after Quinn rubbed the blueberry applesauce in his hair, that this is an applesauce hat. Duh! ( :
If you ever wake up with the bedhead Quinn had in the next picture, you might have to try an applesauce hat to tame it down.

The other day I was sorting laundry on our bed. I left the room for a minute and found this lovely bedside ornament. He was sitting there, singing a song about W's, his new favorite letter, and was very proud of himself.

Quinn's Uncle Justin showed him how to play tee ball at their house last week. We were so impressed when, on his own, Quinn improvised and made a tee ball set out of his ball popper and a bat and ball. When he plays, he insists on wearing either his fireman hat or his construction hat. I guess they look like real baseball helmets to him. ( :
Andy always says I should post pictures with me in them too, but since I take most of the pictures, there aren't too many of those! Here's a picture my dad took when we ate a picnic lunch at a nearby park.

As I've mentioned in previous entries, Quinn loves to read books. I cannot get enough of seeing him do it! The time spans when he sits and reads on his own are getting longer and longer. The other day, I was on the phone right inside the door to our backyard when Quinn came in the house, got a book, went back outside, and settled into the chair his Grandma Mary got him. I thought it was soooo cute and had to take a picture.
And today, he read the paper and had his morning milk.

Is there anything cuter than a boy and his dog?!

Quinn had sooo much fun riding in the "zoom car" with Daddy and Austin a few weeks ago.
Every year my family takes a picture in our backyard. It's so fun to see our family expand from year to year! My five-year-old niece Carys is sitting on her Aunt Carolyn's lap, and Fiona, who is six weeks younger than Quinn, is sitting on my sister Emily's lap.
We finally coordinated with the cousins to go to our favorite spray park. We had two fun hours there this week, which was followed by an even more fun (for Mommy!!) three hour nap! Yea!

P.S.: On July 20th, Andy and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. I've read several blog postings on friends' blogs about their anniversaries, and I feel badly I didn't mention ours! This picture was taken at a wedding we went to a few weeks later, but we did have a wonderful evening out to dinner our night. We cherish the time we spend together so much more now that our dates are not as frequent, but we wouldn't change a single thing about our life! I married my best friend on July 20, 2002, and I can truly say that I love him more every day. He works so hard so I can fulfill our dream of me being a stay-at-home mom, a commitment we made back we were still dating, and I am so thankful for him!


The Moser Fam... said...

Great pictures (I'm glad you are back to blogging!)! It is very obvious that Quinn has such a cute personality. I love all the different faces/expressions. He's adorable. Happy anniversary to you and Andy too! :)

MP said...

I love all of your pictures! It is so adorable how much Quinn likes to read. I am hoping Cade will do the same. He is starting to bring me books..which is encouraging! Also..Happy Anniversary to you guys..I guess 2002 was a popular year! :)